Kneading Love Read online

Page 6

  “What? This is news to me.”

  “It’s not even been a week of dating, but I’ve been in love with her for as long as I can remember. I don’t know if I need to ask for your blessing or not, but I know Lucy would be happy to have it.”

  “You know you have it. I would never stop you from being with my sister. I’m happy for the four of you. Ty, don’t fuck this up. Those boys need their dad. You didn’t get a chance to be with Lucy through it all, but now, you have a fresh start with them, and especially with Lucy. I know you love her and didn’t want the divorce, but you were so blinded by the big city life to see what was in front of you.” I hear the words coming from his mouth, and I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. “I’ll be back in a week, so I can help out.”

  We hang up, and I go about my day.

  “Steak sounds good. It’s almost eight, so we better order it now. I’ve been cleaning up as I go, so we don’t have a lot to do tonight. That way we can just go home, when we close.”

  “Sounds good. I do need to make some calls soon if you’re still good to finish up in here. The baking stops about now anyway. I try to stop it about an hour before closing, so I can clean up.”

  “Okay, I’ll take the T-bone medium rare, a baked potato, and broccoli. I think there’s leftover pie for dessert, unless you want to order something else.” I hand her my card, so she can pay, but she refuses it, telling me that it’s on her. I start cleaning up, while I wait for the pies that I baked to be done. I didn’t realize there was a cutoff time.

  “Is that pie baking?” Lucy asks.

  “Yeah, I didn’t realize there was a cutoff, so I made an apple and a sweet potato.” She pulls out the pies, before I can do it.

  “Dinner will be here soon, Alice is showing them how to do out front, and Jack quit on me. He didn’t want to work on his Thanksgiving break from school, so instead of asking for it off, he just quit on me. I hope the three workers that are here decide to stay, and that Alice doesn’t quit on me either. Liam also called me, but I didn’t call him back.”

  “He knows about us. I told him,” I take a drink of Coke that I bought, when things slowed some.

  “Good. I wasn’t keeping it a secret, but we’ve not had any time alone.”

  “I know that feeling.” I wink at her. “Tonight, we get to go and enjoy some time together.”

  “A real date.” She smiles.

  As Lucy walks out to the front, I smile. Once the pies are done, and on the counter cooling, I walk out to the front to see if anyone needs any help. Alice and Lucy are at the register, while the others are cleaning. I’m happy to help finish things up, when dinner arrives.

  “I’m going to take this upstairs, while you finish up. I need to shower.” I kiss Lucy, as I head up to the apartment. I put the oven on to keep dinner warm, while I shower, and then set the pies on the table. I even found some candles. Once I’m out of the shower, I start to get the kitchen ready for our date.

  “Mama, I’m fine. I got some rest earlier, and I’m about to have dinner now.” I hear Lucy, talking on the phone. I’m leaning in the doorway, staring at her, and she smiles at me. “Mama, I really need to go. My dinner is getting cold. I love you, too.” She rolls her eyes. “Mama wanted to check in on me. I can’t believe she waited, until now to do it.”

  “Let’s not talk anymore about your mother. Now, let’s eat, before it gets cold. I have some plans for us.” Lucy sighs happily.

  “You did all of this for me?” I nod, as I take her hand, leading her to the table. I pull out the chair for her to sit down, and then I bring out our dinner.

  “I didn’t cook dinner, but I set everything else up. I even have a surprise for later.” I tell her.

  “Oh, do you now? Can I know what it is?” She begs.

  “I’ll give you a taste of what’s to come,” I make sure to say come slowly, which makes her stare into my eyes. I see the candlelight flickering in her eyes, and it’s beautiful. “Or you can wait, until we’re done eating.”

  “I’m full.” She tells me, as her stomach growls.

  “Eat. You’re going to need your energy for what I have planned.” I tell her, making sure she finishes everything on her plate. “Andrew is bringing the kids back tomorrow afternoon, so you can sleep in.”

  “I have a bakery to run. Plus, I’m up at three a.m. every day.” Lucy smiles at me. “I don’t get to see the kids very often during the holidays like this, and I’m thankful for family. They keep them busy, while I’m working. Liam usually helps me a little bit, so I can take the kids to see Santa, shopping for gifts for their teacher and family, and then, I usually end up shopping online for their stuff.” She tells me.

  “I hope this year we can go as a family,” I say, taking a bite of my steak. We make small talk about the kids, and once we’re done, I set the dishes in the sink. “I’ll do them later. Let’s get you to bed.” I wink at her.

  “You think I’m just going to let you into my bed?” Lucy teases me. I laugh at her, as I chase her to the bedroom. When I was there earlier, I saw that she still had pictures of us on her dresser and nightstand. It made me feel a lot better about us and this second chance thing. Once we’re in the bedroom, I shut the door and push her up against it. I start kissing her neck, jawline, and then finally, making it to her lips. We rush to remove our clothes, so we’re standing naked in each other’s arms.

  “I’ve missed your lips.” She whispers against my lips. We entwine our hands, and she kisses the back of my mine. “I’ve missed your hands.” She says, and then kisses my shoulder. “I’ve missed your body.” I look at her beautiful face, seeing a lone tear fall from the side of her blue eyes.

  “What’s the matter, love?” I ask her.

  “I’ve dreamt about this happening for the last five years, and I haven’t been with anyone other than you. My heart, soul, and body belong to you.”

  “I’m sorry that it took me so long to get here.”

  “Better late than never.” Lucy chuckles, as I pick her up to take her to the bed. I lay her down gently, and she shimmies to the middle of the bed, as I lick my lips. Where do I want to start? Lucy holds her hand out to me, and then pulls me down on top of her.

  “Was I taking too long?” I tease her by grabbing her jaw. “I need to figure out what I want to do first. There are so many things I’ve missed about being in the same bed as you.”

  I’ve always enjoyed watching Lucy masturbate, because it taught me how to please her as she likes, and I can adapt from there. We often would throw a masturbation party in our bedroom, when we were first married. She would lay on the bed, and I’d have my chair, as I watched her. I couldn’t touch myself, until she gave the okay, which was fine by me. It turned her on to watch how my cock would grow hard and twitch at her moans, groans, and actions.

  I take my fingers down to her clit and start rubbing it. I need inside her now, but I want to make sure she’s wet enough. I slide a finger into her, and she’s soaked. I position my cock, so I can slide into her pussy, as Lucy smiles at me. She’s not objecting to me now that I’m inside her. I feel myself wanting to come already, as I close my eyes, trying to relax my body.

  “God, I’ve missed you inside me,” Lucy mumbles.

  My hips start moving back and forth, as I pump into her. I pick up my pace, as I lean down, taking her hardening nipple into my mouth. I suck, nibble, and lick her nipples, as Lucy runs her nails up and down my back. I almost come, when she wraps her legs around my waist, digging her heels into my ass cheeks, making me stay put. Lucy digs in deeper, as I move faster. She lets me know that she’s getting close, so I make long hard strides into her, as her pussy starts to tighten against my cock.

  “Oh, God! Yes. Don’t stop. Harder.” She begs me, as I start pounding her harder, like she demanded of me.

  Lucy Avery Smith

  Every nerve in my body is on high alert. Ty has a way of making me feel so loved and sexy, when he touches my naked body. We were never ones to b
e short on chemistry or lacking connection in the bedroom. It’s always electrifying.

  When he slid into me, it was pure heaven, and as he continues to move in and out of me, all of the love that I’ve tried to keep hidden, comes to the service.

  “Oh, God!” I moan. I need to come, or I might actually explode. I slide my hand down to my clit, as I start rubbing it at the same pace as Ty. It’s my undoing. I arch my back to be closer to Ty to kiss him, as I come. I get a little overexcited, biting down on his lip, as I’m floating back down to earth from my orgasm.

  “Damn, I think I saw stars that time,” Ty laughs, as I smile up at him. “God, you’re so beautiful, when you come.” He kisses my temple, as he pulls out of me.

  “You’re not so bad, either cowboy.” I wink at him, as he flops onto the left side of the bed, which is the side he’s always slept on for our entire marriage. He pulls me into him, as he plays with my hair.

  “I love you, Lucy. I know that it’s going to take a lot for us to be a family, but I want you to give me a chance to be the man that you married.” He tells me, and it brings a tear to my eyes. I blink quickly, trying not to show him.

  “You’ve always been the man I married, but…” I take a deep breath. “That was never our problem. I needed to be here with family, and you couldn’t see that. Now, we’re divorced, and it’s complicated, because of the boys.”

  “Nothing is complicated. We’re still married, and Peter and Max are a product of our love.” I turn to look at him, as I tilt my head.

  “What do you mean that we’re still married? I signed divorce papers.”

  “You did, but I never did. I had my lawyer “lose them” on multiple occasions.” He smiles that big, toothy smile that I can never get upset about, as I sigh in relief. “I’m not going to insist on moving in here with you and the kids right now, but I’m going to be spending a lot of time with them and you in the next month, so it’ll be like I’m living here. I missed out on so much, and I blamed you for it, until Andrew told me a few hard facts. I couldn’t be a good husband or father back then like I needed to be, because I was blind to everything around me, but I’m a better man for you leaving me.” I pull Ty’s face down to me, as I stare into his eyes. I can see tears welling up.

  “I’m speechless, but in a good way. Just so you know, I’m not giving up my closet for you.” He chuckles, and then kisses me, as he rolls me onto my back. We spend the entire night making up for all of our lost time. Once our bodies and minds are completely exhausted, we fall asleep.

  The next morning my alarm starts going off, and I grumble, because my body is tired and sore. “It’s going to be a long day,” I mutter, as I get out of bed. I start my morning routine and let Ty sleep. I come into the bedroom one last time, before I need to start baking for today, and I kiss him on the forehead.

  *****Christmas Eve*****

  Ty, Peter, Max, and I get into a new routine. He’s been spending his time before work to be with them, and they’ve been soaking up everything dad. I’m closing the bakery early tonight, so we can spend our first Christmas Eve as a foursome. The boys have been making presents for everyone, and they are super excited. I shut down all the lights in the bakery, and then lock up. I’ve been so busy that I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep, until New Year’s Day.

  I baked loaves of bread, pies, and cookies for my family’s get together tomorrow. I sigh, as I grab everything from the kitchen, as I take one last look around, seeing if I missed anything. I walk up to the apartment, hearing laughter, as soon as I open the door.

  “Hey, guys!” I announce, as I take off my boots. “What’s going on here?” I ask. Once I set the goodies in the kitchen, I flop down onto the couch. Ty’s on the floor, putting together Legos with Peter and Max, as they watch Christmas movies on the TV. He gets up, and I cuddle up with him.

  “We’re waiting for you to make dinner. What are you hungry for?” Ty asks me, as I shrug. “Well, I bought some frozen pizzas to make, because it’s too late to order anything, since it’s all closed.” I agree with him. I start to get up to make it, but the boys tell me they got it.

  “Don’t eat any of the snacks on the counter. They’re for tomorrow. If Grandpa Max finds out that anything is missing, then he won’t give Christmas presents.” I yell out.

  “What about for Santa?” Peter’s in the doorway.

  “We need to bake them like we always do. I didn’t forget. I’m going to get a shower, while your dad makes dinner.” I kiss the two boys on their heads, as I stand in the doorway.

  “Okay, we got this.” Ty gives me a kiss. “Go relax, and take a nice long bath,” I tell him that I’d drown because I’d fall asleep. As I’m getting into the shower, all I hear is laughter coming from the kitchen. I sigh happily, knowing that Santa gave me the greatest gift of all time, my husband back. Ty and I still have our moments and probably will for a while, where the past creeps in, but that’s normal for any couple. The kids are happy and striving, and this is what I’ve always dreamed about.

  “Thank you, Santa,” I mumble, as I feel the hot water sting my body.

  The End



  Christmas Day

  One Year Later

  “Here is the final payment,” I say, handing the check to Liam. We came up with an amount for me to buy him out, and since the bakery has been so busy, I was able to pay him off within the year.

  “Wow. I didn’t expect it all this fast. I’m not cutting you short, am I? Especially, with all of the construction that’s happening.” I shake my head, no. “Good. I’m excited to see the new bakery.”

  “I’m going to miss you.” Liam and Renee decided to move to Colorado with her family. They’re going to be married in two months here because this is where they fell in love. The changes that I made, thanks to Liam with the lunch specials, has me taking things to the next level.

  “Where’s Ty?” My mom asks me, as she sets down the mashed potatoes on the table.

  “Work, but he’ll be here soon, though,” I say, sneaking a pickle off the tray.

  Since last Christmas, Ty moved in with us, and we’ve been a real family. I love having him in my bed every night, when he’s off. It’s a new normal for us. He helps me out in the bakery, during the holidays, and I’m teaching William the recipes to help with the baking. Alice is loving being the manager, and we even had to hire more staff.

  “Luce, did you see that?” Liam asks, running into the dining room. “You gotta see this, like now.” I laugh, as he pulls me towards the living room. I drop hands with Liam, when I see Ty, Peter, and Max all on their knees, holding a single rose in each of their hands. Ty a silver ornament that opens to a new wedding set for me.

  “I know we are still married because of my smart thinking.” I laugh with tears, streaming down my face. “I also know that I didn’t deserve a second chance, or even to be a father to these two knuckleheads, but I’m so thankful you gave me one. You are the love of my life, and I want us to be a family for real. Will you, Lucy Smith, be my wife from this day forward and every day after for the rest of our lives?” I walk to all three of the most important men in my life, getting down on my knees with them.

  “Yes, I will. I love you, all three of you.” I sniffle, as I can’t stop the tears, as I sob, watching the rings go on my ring finger. I take all three boys into my arms.

  When we break apart, Ty pulls out some mistletoe from his jacket, holding it up above my head. I smile at him, as I lean in to kiss him. We slowly kiss, showing everyone in the room that we really are in love and looking forward to the future.

  About the Author

  Movies, gaming, and books. Oh My!

  Jaime Russell grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, but she currently resides in a smaller town in Indiana. She lives in the country with her husband, and she is a caregiver to her parents and mother in law. Jaime suffers from some autoimmune diseases, so on her good days, and is active and most likely shopp
ing. But on her bad days, she spends time curled up with her fuzzy blanket, escaping reality with her puppy Annie.

  Jaime is a stepmom to four adults plus a couple of kids that she unofficially adopted. She is a grandmother to two wild boys with a personality all on their own, a sassy granddaughter they have stolen her heart. She is an aunt to two crazy nephews and four nieces, as well as being the oldest child in a family of three and their spouses. Life has never been dull for Jaime, and family means everything to her.

  She enjoys watching movies, shooting guns, and spending time with family and friends. She is an avid gamer when her internet permits, as she enjoys talking and goofing off with her online family.

  Jaime Russell never liked reading growing up. Now she never goes anywhere without either a paperback or her Kindle because there is always a new book boyfriend that needs to be found and fought over.

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  Forever Safe Christmas Links

  *Links weren’t available at time of upload but will be updating as they come available*

  1. Doggy Style by Aria Cole and Mila Crawford

  2. Her Christmas Wish by M.K. Moore

  3. Hard Rime by Chelle C Craze

  4. Kneading Love by Jaime Russell

  5. The Forever Gift by Simone Evans

  6. A Winter Dance by Samantha Rose

  7. Mistletoe by Pixie Chica

  8. Sleigh Me Baby by Elisa Leigh